Toxic Shame

Toxic Shame

If something that you did in your past, a mistake that you made hunts you and makes you feel that you don’t truly deserve what is good, you may be a victim of toxic shame.  Living with shame is poisonous to your emotional health. I am not advocating that you don’t feel guilt when you…

Life Skills

Life Skills

Do you know how important Life Skills are to the quality of your life?  We work so hard on gaining skills to become more successful but we often forget about the Life Skills.  Yet, it is the Life Skills that we have that lays down the foundation for the successful life that we want.   Life…

Emotional Agility

Emotional Agility

Would you like to know how to feel in charge of your emotional life by having emotional agility?  You are going to learn how simple it can be to grow your personal power by working on your emotional agility in this post.   As long as we are alive we will be faced with challenges in…