emotional agility

Emotional Agility

Would you like to know how to feel in charge of your emotional life by having emotional agility?  You are going to learn how simple it can be to grow your personal power by working on your emotional agility in this post.  

Emotional agility

As long as we are alive we will be faced with challenges in life.  Having emotional intelligence(EQ) helps us know how to navigate through them in ways that can be powerful and helpful. 

It is in gaining emotional agility that helps us gain EQ.  And of course, having EQ gives us the ability to gain more emotional agility.  It is like having strong muscles that help us to surf on a wave, knowing how to balance and get right back on the board when we fall off.

You are going to learn what emotional agility looks like, why emotional agility is so important, and how to gain emotional agility. 

After you learn how to gain emotional agility, you will feel confident in your ability to resolve difficult issues that you may have been afraid to face before and that will make you feel very empowered.

This post is all about teaching you just how to gain emotional agility so that you can be the boss of your own life.

Ways to gain emotional agility

1) Extreme Self-care

the portable coach

Good self-care provides you with a solid emotional foundation.  You can build a strong foundation in your personal and business life by doing that.  

Like a house that needs a strong foundation, your life needs it too if you want to attract a successful and healthy life, both personal and business according to Thomas Leanord.

Thomas Leanord, the author of The Portable Coach, the founder of the first coaching school, and the founder of the 3-year coach training, that I attended, was a huge proponent of the idea that we are to attract what we want by being irresistibly attractive to all good things in life. 

He believed that we are to work on being a person who attracted certain attributes instead of pursuing them aggressively. 

Building a good self-care routine, actually, an “extreme self-care” routine, according to Leanord, is a way to become irresistibly attractive and the easiest way to achieve your success goals.  

Extreme self-care is a powerful way to have emotional agility because it is about having strong emotional and life muscles to be agile like a surfer on a board. 

You can be in ecstasy thrilled to tackle challenges instead of getting plummeted by the wave that just hit you because you do not have strong emotional muscle to help you succeed.

If you want to be successful in life, in any way that you want to be meaningfully successful in your life, establishing good self-care is a must.

2. Self-Compassion

self compassion

I cannot say enough about the importance of self-compassion because it is just about the very best medicine for healing, empowering, and especially when it comes to having emotional agility.

The very first time I experienced the power of self-compassion was when I was going through a huge heartbreak and was struggling desperately to heal and stop feeling so much pain.

I barely got myself on my treadmill, one morning.  After a few steps, I slowed the machine down almost to a crawl speed because I simply had no energy to go on.  I was in extreme emotional pain.  I then felt even worse.  I felt like a failure for not being able to carry out my morning routine.  I felt like a weak person for letting myself down.

In the next moment, I thought of the words from Kristin Neff’s book that I was reading at the time.  I closed my eyes and gave myself a feeling of compassion and said, “Hey you, I am so sorry that you are feeling so much pain.  You don’t deserve it.  I am so sorry.”

The most amazing thing happened next.  I felt a burst of energy.  I began to walk normally.  I sped up my treadmill.  I was able to carry out the rest of the workout feeling exhilarated because I discovered the truth in Neff’s words.

Self-compassion is a powerful way to love yourself.  Self-compassion is a way to empower yourself when you are hurting.  Self-compassion is a way to bounce back from an emotional fall.

Self-compassion is a way to be emotionally agile so that you can get right back onto the surfboard of your beautiful life.

3. Radical Acceptance

radical acceptance


When I say the word, “Acceptance” in this post, I do not mean that you put up with, allow, or remain under the power of something harmful in your life.  

What I mean by that word in most of my usage, even beyond this post, is the idea of being in the best possible, open, and creative emotional and mental state that one can be in. 

This is something that I work on every day because I find myself too often judging situations and people in a personalized way that leads me to a disempowered answer.  I am not emotionally agile when I follow through the disempowering path.

It is what Thomas Leanord, the founder of the coaching school that I attended taught us.  He taught us the concept of flowing down the river instead of rowing up it if you want to have a successful life.

It is what Tara Brach is talking about in her book, “Radical Acceptance.”  She too, like Leanord, talks about moving with the events of life in ways that you are taking on the flow of it to be empowered instead of wasting your precious time and energy moving nowhere and suffering with no positive gain.

When you learn how to practice Radical Acceptance, you are emotionally agile, you are moving with the rhythm of the wave. 


This post was all about how to have emotional agility so that you can be your most successful self in your personal and business life.


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