How to Stop being Anxious and insecure Even if you had a painful childhood

How to Stop being Anxious and insecure Even if you had a painful childhood

Being anxious and insecure are highly unpleasant at best and oftentimes extremely painful emotions that can powerfully disrupt your life.

How to Stop being Anxious and insecure Even if you had a painful childhood

Anxiety and insecurity can be debilitating, making it hard to function in day-to-day life and even getting in the way of your ability to accomplish what you want to accomplish. If you suffer from anxiety and insecurity, you may even find yourself avoiding social situations, work events, or even leaving the house altogether.

The good news is that there are things you can do to lessen the hold anxiety and insecurity have on your life. Here are a few:

1. Acknowledge the emotions.

The first step to managing any emotion is to acknowledge that you’re feeling it. This may seem like a no-brainer, but oftentimes we try to push away unpleasant emotions, which only makes them stronger.

Instead of trying to ignore or stuff down your anxiety and insecurity, allow yourself to feel the emotions. Acknowledge them, sit with them, and understand where they’re coming from.

2. Challenge your negative thoughts.

Anxiety and insecurity are often fueled by negative thinking patterns. If you can identify and challenge the thoughts that are leading to these emotions, you can start to change the way you feel.

For example, if you’re anxious about a work presentation, you may be telling yourself that you will fail or that everyone will judge you. These are negative thoughts that can lead to anxiety and insecurity.

Instead of accepting these thoughts as truth, challenge them. Why do you believe you’re going to fail? What evidence do you have that everyone is going to judge you? When you start to question your negative thoughts, they lose their power over you.

3. Investigat, learn and implement useful information.

If you find that your anxiety and insecurity are impacting your daily life, it is time to seek real healing. A therapist or a life coach can help guide you but you must also begin the practice of in-depth self-work and self-study. Doing self-work and self-study in addition to professional’s help is like getting the recipe and then using what you learned to make the meal which not only deepens the learning but also enjoy the fruit of your own labor of learning.

What are anxiety and insecurity?

Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worry, and nervousness. Insecurity is an emotion characterized by a lack of confidence or self-doubt.

There are things you can do to lessen the hold anxiety and insecurity have on your life. They are true. You can lessen the hold.

I am here to tell you that, you can do far more than just lessen the hold. You can be the boss of them. You can only become the true boss of them by doing your own self-driven work.

Keep reading and I will show you how.

Reasons You Need to Know how to overcome your anxiety and insecurity

No one likes being in them but too many too often come to live with them. The feelings get worse if you don’t know how to process them correctly. Emotions are just like any other biological response in your body. They happen for a reason and it is up to you to find out what that reason is.

The first step in managing your emotions is acknowledging that they exist. If you try to bottle them down, they will only come back stronger. Sit with your emotions and understand where they are coming from.

The next thing to do is to not run from your emotions. It is tempting to try and numb yourself from the pain by turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as drugs, alcohol, or binge eating. These might provide temporary relief but will only make the problem worse in the long run.

Finally, you must take action steps and take them daily even if you are seeing a therapist or a life coach. In the end, your healing and your overcoming any and all challenges in life are all in your hands and in your hand only.

So let’s talk about becoming a boss.

Steps to becoming the boss of anxiety and insecurity

  1. Take care of your body chemistry
  2. Do something that you love doing regularly
  3. Work on what is important to you

Step 1 – Take good care of your body chemistry

Taking care of your body chemistry to positively affect your emotions is like building a good foundation where everything that you process and feel can be at its optimal state. Not taking care of your body chemistry is giving yourself an uphill climb to accomplish everything in your day, including and especially your emotional state.

  • Rigoursely exercising. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. In addition, the physical vibrance, and sensation that your strong muscles give you increase your feeling of personal power. The self-respect that you gain from watching yourself have self-discipline goes a long way to increasing your self-esteem.
  • Get quality sleep: Sleep is critical for having a positive emotional state, not to mention everything else like having productivity and good problem-solving skills. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body is more prone to negative emotions. aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Feeding your body healthy foods. Eat a healthy diet: Eating a nutritious diet helps your body to function at its best. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, dark green vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.
  • Hydrating your body. Keeping your body hydrated is imperative for having positive emotions. There is plenty of research that shows that being dehydrated can cause depression. Depression can cause anxiety and insecurities.
  • Giving your body the right supplements. Find yourself a quality supplement from a company that you trust and take them regularly because the right supplements can provide the right foundation and lack of them can rob you of a solid foundation in your emotional health.

Step 2 – Do something that you love doing regularly

The importance of doing things that you love cannot be overstated. When you do things that you love, it feeds your soul and fills you up with positive emotions. It is a fundamental part of having a good emotional state.

When you don’t love what you are doing on a regular basis, it causes all sorts of problems like anxiety and insecurity. So, make sure to do things that you love on a regular basis.

Doing things that you love is also an affirmation of your own value to you. It is your way of telling you that you love yourself in action. It is also a way that you are communicating that you are important enough and worth enough to be given those things.

Step 3 – Work on what is important to you

One of the best ways to work on anxiety and insecurity is to focus on what is important to you. When you place your focus on accomplishing things that you want to accomplish for yourself as well as for the greater good, you are pushing past limiting old beliefs and starting the search for potential outcomes for what is possible for you.

This means that you are using your faculties to problem-solve, create and produce what it is that is you and in that state, you are busy experiencing those things which will override other things like negative emotions.

Key Considerations For Successfully taking these positive actions.

No matter how hard it is to take those actions…Or No matter how slow it takes you (be very patient with yourself during) the process, consider these things…

  • You are not alone in feeling this way (most people feel insecure and anxious at some point in their lives)
  • You are capable of overcoming these emotions
  • You deserve to be happy and live a life that is fulfilling

If you keep these key considerations in mind, you will be well on your way to becoming the BOSS of anxiety and insecurity.

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