How to Heal from a heartbreak

How to Heal from a heartbreak

Do you know how to heal from a heartbreak?  Have you ever been hit so hard by heartbreak that you quit something very important to you?  You just didn’t know how to heal from the heartbreak.    

How to Heal from a heartbreak


You felt like a failure for not being able to pick yourself up and that feeling made it even harder for you to do what you needed to do.

It was not your fault.  There is a biological reason for what happened to you and there is a powerful solution for the next time it happens to you. 

This post is all about teaching you how to heal from heartbreaks so that you can use this time to gain something valuable in your life.

Here is what you do to heal from heartbreaks.


1. How does heartbreak affect you mentally?

Studies show that sadness and depression slow down the stimulation in your brain causing you to have less brain power than when you are feeling normal. Your IQ goes down during heartbreak.  You become less intelligent during this time.

During my freshmen year in college, my best friend Lisa and I broke up with our boyfriends within a week of each other.  

What happened next was that I could no longer focus on my studies and my grades began to falter rapidly.  Lisa on the other hand was getting even better grades and seemed far more alert, energetic, and vibrant than I was. 

I felt so weak watching her superpowered competence during her heartbreak while being slayed by mine

I questioned my character.

What I didn’t know at the time was that Lisa had learned at a young age how to access FLOW during stressful times in her life. 

2. Flow

Flowavailable at amazon

The powerful solution to this problem is to create a state of Flow that allows you to move forward and it is the most effective and intelligent thing to do.  

Flow is achieved in your brain when you are doing an activity that involves focus and learning.  It is the highest level of genuine happiness according to psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

3. How to heal from a heartbreak

Ironically, I finally began learning to do it during a great heartbreak in my life many years after my college years with my best friend.

I got myself an Airbnb and stayed there with very little contact from the outside world with an intention to discover, learn, and change my life once and for all.

I set up my daily schedule where I followed a set daily regimen, 7 days a week for 8 weeks.

I didn’t realize the experience of flow would play such a powerful part.

One of the activities was to journal socratically whenever a painful emotion would come up for me.

It was such an impactful learning flow moment that I began to look forward to the painful emotions so that I would experience them again and again.

4. The results of learning how to heal from a heartbreak using flow

Now, not only am I able to work on my goal task during emotionally stressful times, I also know how to learn from them almost automatically and I experience flow.

As you learn how to put yourself in a flow state during emotionally stressful moments of your life, you are learning to utilize painful moments to help you become emotionally agile not to mention becoming fearless of tough moments, becoming wiser and more emotionally capable.

The choice is clear if you want to suffer less and succeed more.

The next time you experience heartbreak of any kind and watch yourself feeling discouraged, take a mindful action of learning a deeper knowledge about yourself and watch yourself soar in growth because of it.

If you are interested in learning more about Flow, check out the book by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, here.

This post was all about how to heal from a heartbreak.

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