hero's journey

Hero’s Journey

You may need to get on your Hero’s Journey if you are feeling like you don’t have enough in your life and you are feeling empty. 

Hero's journey

Why Hero’s Journey?

If you see that you don’t have enough in your life and you are feeling empty, it is because you are not doing what your wiser self knows you want to be doing. 

You are likely not using all of your talents and potential in an optimal way.  You are not feeling useful.  You are also likely disconnected from your purpose in the greater scheme of things in life.  You do not feel like you are a part of a greater whole, serving the betterment of things.  

These feelings exist in you because they are supposed to be there.  We are made to participate in the healing and betterment of ourselves and our world and without that, we feel all of those negative feelings.

The solution is to start on the right path.  You need your Hero’s journey.

This post is all about teaching you how to get on your hero’s journey so that you can find your purpose and meaning.

Reasons You Need to Know how to create more things in your life is that you will stop feeling empty and you will feel meaningful and purposeful

First and foremost, you need to know how because you will be happier and be able to live a life as your best potential self.  Why would you want to live in any lesser form when you can live better?  It is a simple choice.  A choice to live a life of meaning versus, meaninglessness.  It is an obvious choice and I am sure you would agree.

The obvious benefits are the following:

  • You will have meaning and happiness
  • You will be more successful in life
  • You will be more empowered
  • You will feel proud of yourself
  • You will gain better self-awareness
  • You will have a positive self-esteem
  • You will gain a better sense of your world

People often mistake temporary relief for a real long-term permanent solution to problems, especially this one.  

When you feel like you don’t have enough in your life and you are feeling empty, you might be tempted to fill it with things that are easily available, too easy to ignore.  Since those things will often fill your time fooling you into thinking that your life has a lot of things, you might even feel as if your life is not empty.  

You will forget the real issue at hand.  The real issue at hand is that you need something real, something that will truly serve you.  

In this blog, I will reveal to you how to find the true thing that you are really looking for, the thing that will leave you never questioning again the emptiness that you feel right now.

A Step-by-Step Instructions to find that thing that you are missing

The process of finding real things and real meaning is not difficult.  

Many wise people, learned people, and the greatest of leaders and researchers have been teaching us the very principle.

Hero with thousand facesMeditations

man's search for meaning

Joseph Cambell the anthropologist and the author of “TheHero with a Thousand Faces,” Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher king, author of “Meditation,” Victor Frankl, the author of “Man in the Search for Meaning,” and the founder of the Logotherapy, all of these men and many other great thinkers and teachers have all taught it and lived this very principle and were able to create wonderful things and add greatness to our world in the way that only they could.  

Every challenge, problem, pain, etc., has inside them a potential hero’s journey for you. If you get on the journey and go through the discovery of finding the answer, you cannot help but find what will fulfill you and take you far away from the empty place that you feel and put you squarely on life that feels right and is right.  I have found no other way that offers me the same.

Below are the steps that you will need to take.

  1. Start a discovery
  2. Make a clear and unflinching decision.
  3. Research thoroughly, how to solve that problem.
  4. Take action.
  5. Write about your results

Let’s do this!

  1. Start a discovery

  • Do this in a written form:
    • Write down the biggest problem, pain, or challenge that is in your life, right now.
  • What is the biggest problem that you see? Or, what is the problem that you see on your list, that if solved, would greatly change your life for the better?
  • Circle it.
  • What you have circled could be and most likely is a hero’s journey that you can take by putting into action to resolve it.

2. Make a clear and unflinching decision

  • Make up your mind that you will solve that problem no matter what, no matter how hard, no matter the obstacles that fall on your path, no matter how long it takes, no matter what you have to do.
  • Once you have made that clear decision move on to the next step

3. Research thoroughly, how to solve that problem

  • Research all the methods on how to solve the problem
  • Study the findings
  • Lay out a plan of action from start to finish

4. Take action

  • Take action on the plan of action that you came up with
  • If you run into challenges of any kind, self-doubt, discouraging words from others, difficulty executing, etc., keep moving, keep at it, and never quit or veer off your course.
  • Journal every step, the successes, difficulties, and failures on how you did, what you did, and the results that you experienced

5. Write about your results

  • Once you have solved that problem, write in an essay form, the whole of your experience ending it with how you are feeling and how your life has changed.

Here is the thing to remember…

What you will find during your hero’s journey will surprise you with gifts that you have never imagined.  You will see yourself sometimes grow and gain wisdom in ways that will make you feel a sense of deep pride.  

Your mindset will grow and evolve in ways that will change who you are and who you will be.  

Given all of the positive results to your life and who you will become for your community, the only choice it appears to me is to take on this hero’s journey and find your best life and find your best self.

After all that, you have one more thing to complete

  • Plan out how you will teach others what you have learned.
    • It could be a blog
    • It could be in a book
    • You could give a talk
  • However you do it, is not important, but that you do it is.
  • Joseph Campbell would say that you must share with others what you discovered because if you don’t it is a waste and an incompleteness of a hero’s journey because the hero is to share the boon (gift that you gained from your journey) with the world.


There really is no alternative method that I have found to be as effective, meaningful, and powerful.  If you want to be a fulfilled human being, you must do this, otherwise, your life will feel not enough, empty, and meaningless.

My Experience with Hero’s Journey

I wasted too much time, time that I could never get back, other-directed from my life, all the while what I really wanted was a real meaningful fulfilling life.

Now that I am in practice of following the method that I have outlined in this post, I don’t know what it means to feel empty, meaningless, and purposeless.

I would never go back to how I led my life having tasted life in this way.

If you would like further help with your endeavor, I would love, love, love to help you!  You can contact me at nancy@empoweruuniversity.com

If you would like to find out what I am doing with my Hero’s Journey, you can find out more here:  https://courses.empoweruuniversity.com/courses/empowerment-master-class

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