How to love yourself

How to Love Yourself

Do you want to know the best way to learn how to love yourself without going to therapy for the rest of your life?  These are the tested and proven methods that you need to know about.

How to love yourself

Learning how to love yourself is extremely important and if you’re anything like me, you have been doing all the research you possibly can to learn how to do it.  As a lifelong learner of everything self-growth and a trained life coach, I am giving you the best and proven methods that my clients and I swear by.

You are going to learn about how to love yourself, how to become a person who loves you, and how to become a person who is lovable by you.

After learning about how to love yourself, you are going to become so skilled at loving yourself that you will begin to love yourself automatically without consciously thinking about it.

This post is all about teaching you how to love yourself in ways that you have always wanted to learn and needed to learn.

Ways to love yourself 

1) How to love yourself and be confident

Love What Life Is All About

One of the first people, who inspired me to learn about self-love and self-growth in the most authentic way was Leo Buscaglia.  I read every how-to-love-yourself book that he wrote, starting with “Love: What Life is All About,” and listened to every lecture that I could find. 

What I learned most from him was the importance of being yourself and being authentic so that you can truly love yourself and so that you can truly love others.

What learning about being yourself has led me to see is that being yourself, being your authentic self, leads to the truest version of confidence.  When you practice being your authentic self at all times, you become more and more comfortable with yourself. 

You realize that you are worthy of acceptance because you simply accept yourself. 

Being self-accepting causes others around you to feel most comfortable with you, which in turn reinforces your confidence.  How much better can it get than that?

There is nothing that can replace authentic confidence.  It is not about acting confident but it is about being so authentic that you are in alignment with a genuine you. 

In other words, you are not busy being a critic of you.  You are just in the most unconditionally accepting mode.   You are fully present in the moment you.  This is the best way to be confident and the best way to love yourself.

2. How to love yourself in relationships

daring greatly

Knowing how to love yourself in relationships offers you countless benefits for your life.  One of the most powerful ways to love yourself in relationships with others is to learn how to be vulnerable in a healthy way.  Brene Brown, a well-loved speaker, brilliant sociologist, and the author of Daring Greatly, would tell you that giving yourself the courage to be vulnerable is the most effective way to love yourself inside relationships. 

The reason for this goes back to what Buscaglia taught us.  He taught us about becoming comfortable being yourself with others. 

Buscaglia and Brown teach us the importance of being our authentic selves with others.  They both tell us to be vulnerable and real with others so that we can connect and truly belong. 

When we follow their advice we can stop judging ourselves in negative ways because we are focused on being authentic and vulnerable.

When we are focused on being authentic and vulnerable, we are focused on our inner world and not how others are acting or reacting to us.  When we are doing that, we are acting on what we have the power to control, which is ourselves, and not what we have no power to control, which are others, people whom we are in a relationship with.

When we focus on our inner world, what we have the power to affect, we are being the best possible version of ourselves, which in turn helps us to love ourselves as well as to be best for others in our world.

3. How to love yourself mentally


Focusing on what you have the power to control, your inner self, is also a way to powerfully love yourself mentally.  It helps you to prevent wasting your precious time and energy feeling bad or worried about what others are thinking (not loving yourself) and love yourself by honoring the power that you do have.  

What happens when you honor the power that you have by focusing on it is that you then become a part of the solution to your own life that is in truth a part of the whole world that you are a part of: Bee to the Hive.

When you become aware that you are a part of the bigger whole, you take your focus off self-consciousness and become proactively a good citizen of our world. 

Doing that actually aids you in unconditional self-acceptance because this is our most natural state of being, according to Marcus Aurelius, the author of Meditations, the philosopher king of Rome, a stoic philosopher from about two thousand years ago. 

Our most natural state is to be of love, as Buscaglia has said.  When we are in a state of love we are being a constructive part of being a good human, and when we are doing that, we are truly loving ourselves mentally and in the healthiest way possible. 

As we love our hive, we are loving our individual selves.

This post was all about how to love yourself to help you be the happiest and most empowered person possible so that you can be the best version of yourself.


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