How to eat for health

 Do you know how to eat for health?  Do you want to feel vibrant, energetic, and feel in charge of your well-being? These are some of the most powerful and effective methods of eating for health that you will be happy to know about.
How to eat for health

Learning how to eat for health is a must if you want to be your optimal best.  And if you are anything like me, you have been studying about it for quite some time.  As a student of life and a trained life coach, I am going to share with you the best methods that the Blue Zone people would swear by. 

I will also share with you the powerful experiences that my family members, my clients, and I have had using the methods in this post.

This post is all about teaching you how to eat for health so that you can be the healthiest that you can be.

How To Eat For Health 

1) Fit For Life

fit for life

My adoptive mom used to tell me that everything bad for you taste good and everything good for you tastes bad.  She said that if you want to be healthy, you have to learn to eat things that taste bad.

I would find out for myself later, that she was wrong.  Thank goodness. 

I began learning how to eat for health when I was a high school cross-country runner.  I learned that the things I ate affected my energy and my performance as a runner.

Later as a young mom, I would begin a deeper study because I wanted my child to be as healthy as possible.  That’s when I found the book, “Fit For Life.” by Marilyn Diamond and Harvey Diamond. 

From Fit For Life, I learned about the importance of food combining as well as the benefit of eating fruit to feed your body the best possible nutrients in the morning.

Diamonds talk about 3 cycles that go from 4-12, 12-8, and 8-4.  4 am to 12 noon is our body’s elimination cycle. Since fruit is in predigested form, it helps with the elimination cycle of our bodies.

My personal experience affirms its benefits because I feel great when I follow their advice.

After the cleansing cycle, it is mainly about combining our food in ways that do not create toxins.  This is to help process the digestion in around the 3-hour period that our bodies are meant to do.

Nothing should be stuck in our digestive path and everything needs to be eliminated thoroughly in a perfect world.

Correctly combining food is as follows:

  • Meat with any kind of complex carbs is not ok
  • Meat with a light source of carbs like vegetables is ok
  • Complex carbs like rice, bread, pasta, and potatoes are ok with vegetables

Fruits are always to be eaten by themselves because they are in predigested form and combined with food that is not predigested form causes putrification in our bodies.

Following food combining advice strictly can be challenging because of the delicious cultural foods, family gatherings, etc, but when I followed Plant plant-based diet, a vegan diet, for a few years, it was very easy to do.  During that time, I felt the energy level of a teen and my body healed from injuries as fast as I did when I was very young.

Diamonds, mentions a story where Ford accidentally found out the benefit of food-combining in their employees when offering lunches.  Meat and complex carbs, in the employee’s lunches lowered the productivity level after lunch while correctly combined lunches increased their productivity.

If you want to know more about food combining, which I would highly recommend, get their book and study it for yourself.  You will be so glad that you did.

Your body will thank you.

2. Raw food diet

live raw

My friend Robina, a beautiful red-headed Texan, had the most beautiful skin and in her late thirties, she had the skin tone of a young girl.  She never exercised and she attributed it to her raw food eating regimen.  

She also lost 40 pounds before I met her.  She had always been overweight until she got on the raw food diet.

“My husband told me that I looked 20 years younger in every way,” she said with a huge smile.

The way I have come to use what Robina taught me and what I have learned from Live Raw and other books is to do a 30-day cleanse about once a year.  

I have been doing it for many years now and I have profoundly healing and educational experiences under my belt.

About 7 years ago, I started one of my 30-day cleanses to see if I could heal a black spot that had been on my nose for more than a year.  I was concerned because it began to feel tender to touch for a few weeks. 

What happened next was amazing.

A week after I had begun my raw food cleanse, the spot on my nose began to harden like a scab.  After two weeks, the scab fell off.  Again I need to reiterate, that this black spot had been there for over a year.

By the end of the 30 days of my cleanse, the pink spot on my nose where the black spot had been was gaining my skin color.  Now, when I look at that spot on my nose, I can hardly even find the spot where that dark color had been.

Does food affect your health, in my own experience, heck yes!

3. Juicing

Omega NC800HDS Cold Press Juicer Machine

My grandmother in her eighties became very ill.  When my aunts took her to the hospital, they told them that she had bone cancer as well as lymphoma and she was in stage 4. 

They would not treat her because she was too old and too frail and treatments would only worsen her state.  They gave her 1 to 3 months to live.

My youngest aunt took her home and witnessed my grandmother shaking in her bed so harshly in pain that she began researching healing from cancer in her Korean magazines.

She ran across a story about a woman who cured her cancer herself with raw kale juice.

My aunt began making raw juice for my grandmother and began feeding her the juice.

After two weeks of juicing, my grandmother could get herself out of bed to go to the bathroom on her own.  After a month of juicing, my grandmother came out to the living room, set up, and watched television.

Then a year later, my grandmother became cancer-free and moved to Texas to live with her son.  She lived there for many more years.

Isn’t my grandmother’s story amazing?

The juicer above is the same brand of juicer that I have had for over twenty years.  It works now as strongly as it ever has, and I have put it through grueling work. 

How long I have had mine without any problems says everything about how great Omega’s juicers are.  Omega Juicers are amazing.

This post was all about how to eat for health to help you become as healthy and vibrant as possible.


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