

Rejection is difficult for most people.  This post will teach you how to look at rejection in ways that will lose its immense power over you.


Let’s understand rejection

There was this experiment that sought to trick the volunteer and reveal how profoundly rejection can impact a person. As many psychological experiments are conducted regularly, this one stands out as an example of what humans can endure emotionally when faced with rejection.

To test the boundaries of human behavior, volunteers were invited to an office with no prior knowledge of what was to take place. Upon arrival, participants were instructed to wait in a designated room and await their turn – joining others who had already been called in for this mysterious experiment.

As the volunteers waited, they noticed the other two people tossing a ball between them. After some time had passed, they extended an invitation and handed the ball to the volunteer – who gladly began participating in their game. Sadly though, after just a few minutes of playing together as one unit – excluding became more common than including; leaving only two players during certain spurts of time; thus excluding this newbie from joining in anymore that day.

At a certain moment, someone emerges from the back and summons the volunteer to enter.

The volunteer’s feelings in the waiting room are carefully probed and then compared to their physiological responses. It is almost impossible not to be astonished by the results of this comparison.

Rejection is a physical as well as mental torment for volunteers, inflicting hurt on them both emotionally and physically.

They explain to the volunteer that the two people were actually part of an experiment and not genuinely rejecting them – yet, no matter what they say, their feelings of rejection remained.

In an attempt to ease their sorrow, they are informed that the two people were bigoted and had committed deplorable actions in their lifetime. However, this does nothing to reduce their grief.

It’s natural to experience hurt feelings in the face of rejection.

While this is typical and expected, you don’t have to settle for such a result.

You can deflect the power of rejection

Rejection undeniably carries a lot of weight. Fortunately, we can learn to become immune and the key is practice. With enough dedication, you can perfect the art of not being affected by rejection – no matter how hard it may seem in the beginning.

Reasons why you need to know how to outdo the power of rejection

Too often, we are held back from the most magical moments life has to offer. Whether it’s asking someone out on a date, applying for your dream job, setting up that business you’ve always wanted to launch or even getting up on stage and speaking about something dear to your heart – learning how not to be shaken by rejection is key if you want to live an extraordinary life. Taking risks can be frightening but having the ability to move past rejections will open many doors of opportunity that were once closed off. Acquiring this vital skill could mean everything in making sure we don’t miss out on what our hearts yearn for!

Here are easy steps to learn how to be the boss of rejection

Follow these steps to maximize your success!

  1. Whenever you experience rejection, take the time to reflect mindfully and ask yourself why it’s happening. Use this moment as an opportunity to learn how not to be hindered by rejections in your life, striving for excellence so that you can lead your most prosperous and joyful existence possible.
  2. Build self-confidence by discovering and embracing your unique talents, beliefs, and values. Gain trust in yourself by growing an understanding of the decisions you make and how they impact both yourself and those around you. Take some time to appreciate who you are as a person – your voice matters!
  3. Constantly cultivate your talents and character as a person by growing, learning, and exploring through practice. It is essential to remain an avid learner throughout life.

Why you should follow the steps to learn how to not be affected by rejection

Taking action is the key to success – that may sound obvious, but oftentimes we forget this fundamental truth. The ones who make their dreams a reality are not necessarily smarter or better than those who don’t; rather, they continuously act on what they learn and strive for progress despite any obstacles or failures along the way. Never give up on yourself and your goals; keep taking steps forward no matter how many mistakes you make!

Let’s kick this new strength learning into the next gear

If you want to make sure your efforts bear fruit, don’t hesitate to reach out and tell people close to you that you’re taking this on. Making a pact with them could also be beneficial as it will provide motivation for yourself and others alike in regard to learning and growth! And if you need some encouragement or assistance along the way – I’m here for YOU!

Here’s to developing an impenetrable armor around ourselves against rejections!

Repeatedly, I have said that honing this skill not only builds your confidence but also uplifts the entire globe!

Cheers to us for making a positive difference in our world, one person at a time. We are doing this by striving hard and expanding ourselves so that we can experience the full potential of life!

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