Anger Management

Anger Management

Do people’s behavior or events in life trigger you to feel angry more than you’d like?  Do you know how to manage your anger so that you don’t harm yourself or others?  Do you have skills in anger management in your life skills tool kit?

Anger Management

If you ever acted in ways that have had long-term negative side effects on the success of your life because of the actions you took under the influence of anger, you need anger management skills.

When we are controlled by anger, we lose the ability to be the person that we want to be.

By working on this strong adversary, we become better for ourselves, and for those whom we love so much.

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

This post is all about teaching you how to have anger management skills so that you can be the true boss of your own life.

Anger Management

Anger is a normal human emotion but when it becomes the boss of you, when it controls you and not you it, it can create great havoc in every area of your life so it is well worth the investment of your time to learn how to become the boss of it. 

Why we feel anger and why it is so easy to grow in anger

  • We feel anger when we feel chided in some way, mistreated, or unfairly treated
  • anger is addictive so if experienced regularly, your anger reaction grows

We feel anger when we feel that we are mistreated.  We may feel angry when something someone does looks just like a mistreatment that had once made us feel helpless and powerless.

We can feel anger when we feel as if someone is keeping us stuck in some way or controlling us and we have no power, mistreating us as if we mean very little, doing things to us that is a violation of our rights.

We can also feel angry when someone gets angry with us, especially when we have not done anything to incur the anger.  In this scenario, we easily get into a blowout where everyone is hurt and everyone, including ourselves becomes ugly in our behavior.  Nothing good comes out of this situation.

Anger has its place when it motivates us to do something good for our lives, but for the most part, the feeling of anger and actions that we learn to base our aware and unaware actions on destroys and creates havoc that leaves no one in a good place.

Why you should know anger management 

  • Anger is bad for your health
  • Anger destroys relationships
  • Anger destroys self-respect
  • Anger causes havoc in your life
  • Anger promotes disruption in true understanding
  • Anger causes abusive behaviors
  • Anger stunts your self-growth
  • Anger stops wisdom

If you have lost out on opportunities, or if you have gotten into a heated situation that has left you feeling exhausted and torn apart, you have every reason to know how to manage your anger so that you can come out of similar situations not losing but gaining more self-respect.

Not knowing how to manage your anger causes you to lose out on too much.

How to manage your anger

  • You can work on your emotional associations with the anger cues (the triggers)
  • You can surpass it by working on your overall self.
  • Actively work on gaining wisdom
  • Practice accepting the flaws of others as well as yours
  • Learn how to move beyond your ego (nothing is truly personal)
  • Learn how not to care what others think about you
  • Accept things that are beyond your control (traffic and other drivers, other’s behaviors)
  • Learn to focus on things that you have the power to control and learn how to become emotionally powerful
  • Practice extreme self-care to be in tip-top shape

Oftentimes when we feel angry with someone or something, we stop seeing the truth. 

What we feel is based on what meaning we place on the event.

While our reactions may even be culturally normal, our reactions may not be based on the truth of the situation.

This is why something may trigger you to feel anger while another person may not be phased by it at all.

The meaning you place on the event is the real cause of anger.  Changing the meaning you can prevent anger.

If you can see that someone’s bad behavior is about who they are being, their lack of understanding, and their pain, and not about you, then you can feel compassion for them.

When you know that what anyone does or says has nothing to do with your value, then you have truly powerful freedom.

I am here to help!

This post was all about showing you anger management skills so that you can be the happiest, most empowered, and the best version of yourself.


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