How to be productive

How to be productive

Many of us waste a lot of our time even though time is one resource that we cannot get back.  Knowing how to be productive, to use our time wisely, is powerfully helpful in helping us become who we want to be.  Who do you want to be? What do you want to create with…

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Good self-care is everything.  It is the foundation that you can give yourself for your ability to be the best version of yourself that you want to be. Setting aside time to take good care of your body and mind can feel like an extra thing to do, maybe even a selfish thing to do,…

Fear of Abandonment

Fear of Abandonment

Fear of abandonment was my Achilles heel for the longest time.  Understanding it within myself and healing it correctly has given me the life tools that I utilize to bring me back to my center if I ever fall into it again. Were you abandoned or abused as a child?  If you had, you may…

Victim Mentality

Victim Mentality

If you feel that life is picking on you, that everyone seems to be picking on you, and you have been feeling this way for just too long, you may have a victim mentality.  I know this experience only too well because I used to feel that way too. I used to feel like life…

Post Traumatic Growth

Post Traumatic Growth

Most of us are familiar with the term, post-traumatic syndrome.  Less of us know about the term Post Traumatic Growth. It is the ladder concept that I am most interested in because of my own experiences and scientific findings that reveal its worthiness. Post-traumatic syndrome is real and we must tend to those who are…



How do you handle difficult things in your life?  Do you feel defeated when you run into them?  Do you often quit at the sight of an obstacle?  Learning how to handle obstacles or things that get in your way is a powerful life tool to have if you want to live a fulfilling life….