How to Overcome Fear of Failure

How to Overcome Fear of Failure

Have you passed up an opportunity to do something because it would hurt less to not fail? Is that a recurring habit in your life?  Are you as successful in your life as you want to be?  Would you like to learn how to overcome fear of failure that is standing in your way?

How to Overcome Fear of Failure

Being stuck behind the starting line of life is beyond heartbreaking.

Watching others get things in life that they want while you are held back feels terrible.

Even though you feel bad about it, you are used to the feeling of just not knowing if you can,  So you stay there.

But as Dr, Suess says in one of his amazing books, “That’s not for you.”

This post is about teaching you how to overcome the fear of failure so that you can be who you want to be.

How to Overcome Fear of Failure 

Why you may have a fear of failure

  • Shaming during your childhood
  • Too many criticisms
  • unloving childhood
  • neglected childhood
  • harsh punishments for making mistakes
  • Taught to believe you can never do anything right
  • Taught to believe you have to do everything perfectly or you are punished in some way or shamed in some way

A childhood that lacks emotional support, one that has you standing on an unstable foundation can cause you to feel afraid to try things as an adult.

If you grew up in an environment where you were made to feel afraid of things and you were made to feel confused as to your safety and sense of security, you could be afraid to try things and fail.

Why you should overcome the fear of failure

  • Fear of failure keeps you stuck and arrested from your full development
  • You cannot be truly self-fulfilled
  • It actually makes you fail
  • You are robbed of your true life

A life of living with fear of failure is frustrating and unsatisfying.  Often most people who live with it feel unhappy and even miserable. 

When you are unhappy, you are not necessarily your healthiest but you are also going to impact the wellbeing of those around you as well.

If you want to be your happiest and healthiest and be a person who makes a positive difference in the lives of others, you want to get free of the fear of failure.

How to overcome the fear of failure

  • Make a decision
  • Challenge your fear by taking action on what scares you to try
  • Practice the attitude of doing “whatever it takes”
  • Decide that you are going to tackle what comes in front of you
  • Keep taking action no matter the outcome
  • Learn how to do things that you don’t know how

Make a clear decision that you are going to defeat this aspect of your life.  Then every morning when you first wake up and at night just before going to sleep, visualize yourself taking on things that you are afraid to take on and feel the feelings that you would.  How would you feel being that person who moves beyond your fear?

Throughout the day, when you catch yourself feeling afraid to do something, make a phone call, start a conversation, begin a business deal, etc, just do it and feel proud of yourself for growing and getting better, getting stronger. 

Every time you take an action that you need to take, see how that feels freeing, see how that makes you feel strong and able and hopeful about your life. 

Feel good about who you are becoming.

You are becoming the potential you!

I am here to help!


This post was all about the Importance of moving beyond your fear of failure so that you can be the most empowered version of yourself.


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