Importance of Time

Importance of Time

Are you fully mindful of the Importance of Time?  Do you think about the fact that time is the most precious resource that you have? Are you spending your time or are you losing it? How often do you think about the importance of time in your life?

Importance of Time

Are you happy?  Do you feel fulfilled?  Is your life thrilling?  Are you doing exactly what you want to do with your life?  Is your life the way you want your life to be?

If you have answered no to some or most of the questions above, you might be wasting your time and not investing it wisely.

Understanding the importance of time in this way is of utmost value if you want true happiness and a life of fulfillment for yourself.  

In this post, you are going to learn about just how important being mindful of time is, how to not waste time, and how to maximize your time.

After learning about the importance of time, you can mindfully navigate through your life in ways that lead you to the life that you want instead of completely missing out on what it is that you want for yourself.

This post is all about teaching you about the importance of time so that you can have the meaningful life that you want.

Importance of time 

According to a Stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius, being mindful of the importance of time is essential to living a worthy life.


1) Why it is so imperative to be mindful of the importance of time

  • Time is a finite resource
  • Once lost, you cannot get it back
  • When you waste it, you are wasting your most precious resource
  • When used wisely, you can have an amazing life.
  • Because you cannot see time, it is extremely easy to take time for granted.
  • If you don’t take time for granted, you are rewarded with being fully alive.

Just about every resource that we have is replaceable, but not time.  When you lose time, it is gone forever.  If you are not mindful of the importance of time, you are likely to waste it in abundance.

2. What a life of mindlessness about the importance of time can look like

  • Persistent dissatisfaction with life
  • Always worried about what others are thinking of you
  • Feeling rejected or worried about judgment
  • Feeling bored and empty
  • Feeling overwhelmed with things to do but running on empty
  • Feeling unfulfilled
  • Feeling unhappy
  • Feeling self-doubt

For some reason, no matter how many wisemen/women hit it over our heads about the fact that time is a finite resource and that we must not waste it, we continue to take our time for granted and continue to waste it in droves. Literally in droves!!

Why is this?

Most of us are not taught to value time.  We are taught how to survive but not necessarily, to live fully.  We are not taught to seek deep and true meaning but to seek acceptance of others. 

As we focus on how others see us, we are immediately other-directed from who and how we are supposed to be, and how we want to be.  We obsessess on what others think of us and we lose our focus on where our focus ought to be. 

We ought to use our time becoming who we were born to be, who we want to be, and what we want to be doing.

Wasting time is doing what looks good to others.  Wasting time is doing what just keeps us busy to fill our time.  Wasting time is killing our time filling it with things that are not meaningful to us.

3. What a life of mindfulness about the importance of time can look like

  • You are feeling on point
  • You are doing things that are meaningful to you
  • You are mindful of who you want to be
  • You are focused on what is important to you
  • You know what your life is about
  • You have deeply authentic self-confidence
  • You have a high level of self-esteem
  • You inspire others by just being you
  • You are making a powerfully positive difference in the world

When you become a person who feels a sense of clarity about what you want to do, and who you want to be and take action toward those things with a laser focus, you are intelligently using your time.

4. How to Invest Your Time Wisely and live a worthy life

  • Focus all of your attention on things that you have the power to affect
  • Take action on those things that you have the power to affect.
  • Get clear about who you want to be.
  • Get clear on what you want with your life
  • Learn to not care what other people think
  • Learn how to not worry about things you have no power to affect
  • Take excellent care of your body 
  • Take excellent care of your mind and spirit
  • Practice forgiving and letting go authentically
  • Focus on developing and using your talents for the betterment of the world
  • Learn to say NO by practicing saying NO to things that are not meaningful to you

When you focus your attention, energy, and efforts on things that you have the power to control, and there is a lot that you have the power to control, you cannot waste any of your time.

When you lead your life in this way, you cannot help but feel thrilled and fully alive. 

Once you get a taste of living life on your terms and doing things that are truly important to you, you will not want to go back to wasting your time.

This post was all about becoming mindful of the Importance of Time so that you can live your best life, being your best potential self.


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