Why Exercise is Important

Why Exercise is Important

You must know why exercise is important and act on those whys if you want to be your very best in every possible way. 

Why Exercise is Important

Marcus Aurelius and other stoic philosophers would say that we live in our bodies therefore exercising every day is essential if you want to be your optimal self.

They were not talking about becoming an exercise fanatic.  Being. a fanatic of anything, including exercising can cause you to miss out on important things in life.

They were concerned about our ability to function at our best.

This post is about the importance of exercise in our pursuit of being the best version of ourselves.

Just why is exercising so important?

 What your life is like without regular exercising

  • less energy than possible
  • health problems
  • cut from longevity
  • weight gain
  • losing strength
  • aging prematurely
  • less than optimal emotional capacity
  • losing muscles tone 
  • ability to handle stress
  • not having clarity of the mind

Since our ancient brain finds not exerting our energy more comfortable and easier we are met with an obstacle to optimal health unless we get into a habit of bypassing it.

The importance of exercise in our daily lives was known even by our ancient philosophers.  Yet many of us still have not caught up to that knowledge.

If we don’t figure out how to bypass the old instinct that we no longer need for our survival, we will continue to have diseases and other negative consequences that we have come to believe are a natural aging process. 

We can have and be much better.

What your life is like with regular exercising

  • you are vibrant and energetic
  • you are healthy
  • you remain strong as you age
  • you avoid many diseases
  • you feel agile
  • you are emotionally stronger
  • can handle things with more stability
  • have more mental clarity

Life offers up challenges in our lives and it’s good to have every possible help and exercising provides that help that we need.  If you want to live in your optimal best form, exercising gives you that.

One of the things that you prominently notice in the lives of all who live in the blue zones( in the lives of those who live to a hundred years or more) and in a healthy form with a lack of diseases (cancer, dementia, etc.). They all daily exercise(rigorously) their bodies by walking, hiking, gardening, dancing, etc.

And it is never too late, take a look at this amazing lady


The thing about exercising as with anything, is you can start improving it at any age, and at any condition.  You can become stronger than you had ever known to be possible.

Check out this awesome lady.  She is a 76-year-old fitness influencer named Joan MacDonald, who at 73 began changing her lifestyle and began working out when faced with numerous health issues due to a lifetime of sedentary style.

It’s about far more than beauty on the outside.  It is more about how your being can radiate beauty from the inside because you are vibrant and that you can let your inner true beauty out like Joan is doing in that photo on the right.

I am here to help!

This post was about the importance of regular exercising to help you be your best.

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