How To Be a Winner in Life
How do you feel about who you are in your life? Do you know how to be a winner in life? Would you like to be one?
What is being a winner?
It is simple.
A winner is a warrior of life, one who fights to the end without ever quitting for something important to them.
It is the person in the arena.
This post is all about the importance of being a winner who lives a life worthy of who you are meant to be.
How to be a Winner in Life
What do losers of life look like
- chronically jealous of others
- always in deep drama over something petty
- often trying to bring down other people
- hurting people out of jealousy
- meddling in other people’s lives
- bored and meaningless
- feel bad about one’s self
- cannot let go of regrets
If you find yourself obsessed with what others are doing wrong and are completely uninterested in focusing all of that energy on yours, you might be far from being a winner of your life. When you live this way, you are hurting yourself and others through your internal and external actions.
Most of the things you are focusing on are not worthy of your time keeping you stuck being far less than you want to be.
What winner’s lives feels like
- focused
- energetic
- inspired
- excited
- thrilled
- thankful
- hopeful
- loyal
- faithful
- interested
- interesting
Winners are people focused on their actions, internal and external. Like warriors in battles, they focus their attention on what they have the power to affect and take actions to affect those changes.
Winners know that dirt and grime they may face are a part of their journey and they simply dust off and get back on their path and head to their destinations.
They are in a state of gratitude and don’t waste time in bitterness and keep their focus on the point of their lives.
How to be a winner in life
- have a gratitude practice
- problem-solve (don’t indulge in a state of complaint)
- Look for fuel in obstacles
- learn to make fast decisions
- put focus and attention on everything that you have the power to affect and control
- let go of things that you have NO power to control
- Always be learning and growing
When you are a person who dares greatly, as Brene Brown talks about, you are a winner. You are the fighter that is in the ring of life refusing to ever quit, you are a winner of life.
We may not be able to fully control the outcome of things every time, but we do have control of our tenacity and our getting back up to fight again.
As it happens, when you don’t quit, you do win. You do get what you want, often in better form than you had ever imagined.
You can decide for yourself as I have, if you had a choice between quitting your battles or never quitting even with no results guaranteed to you, you choose to fight till the very end.
The strange thing about that decision is that that decision is what makes you the real winner of your life!
This post was about how to be a winner so you can fulfill your destiny and make a positive impact in your unique way.
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