Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

Do you have a growth mindset?  If you in general feel optimism about your ability to grow, adopt, and go after successful results even in the face of difficulty, you have a growth mindset. If you feel that you can never improve, or often feel stuck, but you want things to get better, keep reading to change your life for good.

Growth Mindset

Do you in general feel that no matter what you do, you cannot change things for the better?  Do you believe in good and bad luck?  Do you believe a person is born under the right or wrong star? If you believe these things, you may have a fixed mindset.

Being aware of this concept and being willing to rethink your old beliefs is a very good first step in changing your life.

Learning about the growth mindset and choosing it for yourself is going to be a powerful thing to do for yourself.

After learning about the growth mindset, you can begin toward an empowered future.

This post is all about teaching you about the growth mindset so that you can truly become the best version of yourself.

Growth Mindset 


1) Impact of having a Fixed Mindset according to Carol Dweck, the Author of Mindset

  • Fixed mindset says, your life’s outcome is determined and cannot be changed.
  • People with fixed mindsets quit when things appear hard
  • People with fixed mindsets have a hard time getting over painful things
  • People with fixed mindsets prefer their past partner to join their heartbreak than to heal their own and become happy
  • They believe, that they are stuck in misery for good
  • They feel that they can never do better or have it better

A fixed mindset is a mindset for the losing.  If you want to keep losing at life I highly recommend that you keep this mindset.  If not, if you want to win at life, if you want to engage in the worthy battles of life and keep fighting until you win, then read on.

2. Impact of having a Growth Mindset

  • Growth mindset helps you succeed
  • Growth mindset helps you to choose happiness
  • Growth mindset helps you to be positive and proactive 
  • Growth mindset helps you to see the solution instead of being stuck
  • Growth mindset helps you to deal with challenges in a productive way
  • Growth mindset leads you to be an empowered happy fulfilled person.
  • People with a growth mindset make succeeding and being happy easy.

Every study reveals, that your belief determines your success more than innate intelligence because staying on it leads you to success, and quitting leads you to failure.

One graduate study revealed that when you put children through the study of mathematics, one group with a lower level of IQ and less knowledge, and with a growth mindset, against a group of kids who have far higher IQ and knowledge but with a fixed mindset, the first group always wins at successfully learning over the second group.

The reason is a simple one.  The second group quits at the first difficulty.  The first group keeps going no matter how hard because they believe that they can succeed.

3.  How to gain a Growth Mindset

  • Do things that challenge your current belief that your abilities to influence your life are fixed(unchangeable)
    • Be around people who help you to have a growth mindset
    • Surround yourself with information that affirms a growth mindset
    • Read about people who defied the odds
    • Watch films about events in life that prove the potential of human beings
    • Listen to Ted talks that reveal possibilities
  • Do your best to form friendships and connections with people who believe in others, especially you
  • Do your best to minimize connection with people who think negatively about you and their own lives
  • Daily practice stretching your abilities
  • Push yourself beyond what you believe you can do
  • Daily challenge yourself to do things that you are afraid of

Make a decision that you are worth your investment of time and other resources because you are!   The whole of our world, the health of our world depends solely on our individual selves getting better, stronger, and living up to our potential. 

When we go through our lives seeing ourselves as much much smaller, much less capable than we are, and much less good than we are, our world is in trouble.

Look around you, our world is in trouble.  We must all do our part by living fully up to our potential.

We can only do that if we have the correct mindset, a growth mindset that shows us that we can.

This post was all about the Importance of having a Growth mindset so that you can be the most powerful version of yourself.


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