How to have a good life

Good life

Do you have a good life? What does it mean to have a good life?  If you don’t have it, do you think that you can change that?

Good life

Having watched people dramatically change conditions in their lives, myself and my clients included, I know that learning how to have a good life is attainable.  More than attainable, it is an obligation that we have toward ourselves and the world that we live in.

You just have to get clear on what a good life is to you then take the steps to learn how to have that.

After learning how to have a good life, you only need to take the right actions toward it.

This post is all about teaching you how to have a Good Life so that you can reach your true potential

What is having a good life?

1) Knowing is half the battle

7 habits of highly effective people

Stephen Covey talks about the importance of leaning your ladder against the right wall of your life.  Doing that will ensure that you will get to have the good life that you want, not what others want for you.

How many times have you watched people who busily pursue and reach their goal destination only to be left with an empty feeling that it was all for nothing?  That person worked very hard to climb that ladder and reached the top to see that their ladder was aimed in the wrong direction.

If you want a good life you need to get clear about what it all means to YOU.  

Getting clear on it is the very first step in having a good life.

2) Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid

daring greatly

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”  – Theodore Roosevelt


Once you have clarity about the good life that you want, you must pursue it with all that you have and then some.

It takes vulnerability that innocently allows you to fail gloriously which is true courage. It is to live a life of true courage as Berne Brown would tell you in her book Daring Greatly, if you want to live your best life possible.

Good life is a life of deep meaning, passion, and fulfillment no matter what path you are on.  To have those things, you must be bold. 

When you are bold, you have the highest chance to reach the alignment that you need with the forces of life to help you up that wonderful ladder. 

It’s not about doing everything perfectly.  It is about putting yourself on the line to reach your ultimate best. A good life is a life worth living.

A life worth living is what we are here to have.

3) Build a good life on a solid foundation (a Growth Mindset)


As you build your good life with the courage to push your limits, mindfully practice a growth mindset, to provide you the grit that you need for when things get tough.  Always look for opportunities to learn, grow, and empower from challenges of all kinds.

In addition, give yourself a leg up by establishing an excellent self-care routine in your daily life.

On this path, on the right part of the wall that you have consciously chosen, take action that continues you up that ladder to reach your best life.

When you give yourself a chance at the good life that you want, you are giving yourself a chance at being your best potential self and you are also making a positive difference in the world in a way that only you truly can.

You have every reason to find a good life for yourself and your world.

I am here to help get there!

This post was all about gaining a Good Life so that you can be the most empowered version of yourself.


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