How to change your mindset

How to change your mindset

If you need to make a positive change in your life learning how to change your mindset is a place to start.  Real change has to start from the inside.  Learning how to change your mindset is learning how to change from the inside and the best way to begin.

How to change your mindset

When you have a disempowering mindset, you cannot effectively assess the challenges of your life.

When you have an empowered mindset, you can see life with clarity and strength.

Learning how to change your mindset, will start you toward a life of clarity and strength.

This post is about teaching you how to change your mindset so that you can have the power you need to live the fullest life you want to live.

How to Change Your Mindset


1) Power of a Positive or a Negative Mindset on the Quality of Your Life

  • Your mindset controls how you see the world (Negative or positive)
  • Your mindset allows you to see the open doors to opportunities or keep you blind from them
  • Your mindset controls how you process or do not process good and bad things in life in helpful or destructive ways
  • Your negative mindset convinces you that you have no power to create, manifest, or have the life that you want
  • Your optimistic mindset lets you know that you have the power to create, manifest, and have the life that you want if you take the right actions without ever stopping and quitting on yourself.

A mindset can give you a good life or keep you from a good life and all along keep you from knowing that you ever had a choice. 

You can go through life feeling empowered or utterly powerless in just about everything.

You can be creative, optimistic, and hopeful or you can be stuck, bitter, and hopeless. 

Your mindset, negative or optimistic, growth or fixed, is the boss of powerful things that happen in your life, good or bad. 

2. Great examples of people who had powerful mindsets

Abraham Lincoln

Team of Rivals

  • According to Doris Kearns Goodwin, the author of The Team of Rivals, Abraham Lincoln had nothing but loss, pain, and poverty growing up.  To make things even harder, he was riddled with crippling depression that plagued him all through his life. 
  • Lincoln was often in so much pain that he desperately wanted to end his life.
  • But his mindset was one of optimism about the growth potential of himself and especially of his country so he worked through the pain and obstacles to make those changes.  He focused his mind on what he wanted to see happen and how he could accomplish those things.  He focused his attention on the positive healing for the country that he loved.
  • The results of his efforts speak for themselves.


obstacle is the way

  • Ryan Holiday talks about Demosthenes in his book The Obstacle Is The Way
  • Demosthenes lost everything important to him at a young age. 
  • Demosthenes had a growth mindset that told him that he could move mountains with effort and he did just that with his life, against all the incredibly bigger-than-life odds. 
  • He defied his inability to speak correctly by continuing to exercise his speaking. 
  • He went on to become an orator.  He also won the lawsuit against those who robbed him of all of his wealth when he was only a child with his persistence and his hard-earned education.

Maya Angelou

I know why the caged bird sings

  • Maya Angelou was raped as a child and had to witness the horror that came with that. 
  • Instead of carrying a negative victim mindset, she decided to see her possibilities and humanity’s possibilities and became a healing light for all of her readers. 
  • She has made a powerful impact on many lives, including mine.

Victor Frankl

Man's Search for Meaning

  • Victor Frankel suffered from the Nazi concentration camp.
  • Then when he was freed, he found out that everyone that he loved was killed while he was being tortured inside the camp. 
  • Instead of going into a life of brokenness, he jumped straight into creating meaning from his pain and helping others do the same.
  • He made a powerful difference in his clients’ lives as well as millions of future generations to come after his life.  

How you decide to see the world, and the events that happen to you and around you is dictated by your mindset. 

Your mindset then, affects how you respond to your world.  How you respond to your world either leads you to be a hero of the world or leads you to be the victim or the villain of the world.

It is time to choose to be a hero of the world.  

3. How to have a mindset that works for you.


  • Gain a growth mindset
  • Decide that you are an advocate for yourself:
    • Check your thoughts about the challenges
    • Check your thoughts about others
    • Become intuned to how you are looking at the world by studying your reactions to events that occur
  • Practice Socratic questioning and answering to yourself and aim to discover the Truth of things instead of reacting to your feelings
  • Take actions that go against your old mindset and take actions that a person with a new positive mindset would take.

Learned Optimism

  • Question your fears
  • Question your doubts about your capabilities (You are always far more capable than you know)
  • Do not allow yourself to say, “I can’t”
  • Take action on things that you want even if you might fail. 
  • If you do fail, be proud of your courage and your action that says you are growing to reach for your potential.

Your mindset is everything.  The quality of your life, how you feel, and who you are, are all affected by what kind of mindset you have.  A growth mindset nurtures optimism and optimism nurtures a growth mindset.

Having a mindset that works for you instead of against you takes mindful study and practice of all that feeds into it. 

It is as simple as that, study and practice.

I am here to help!

This post was all about how to change your mindset so that you can have a mindset that works for your life and not against your life.


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