self efficacy


Self-efficacy is vitally important to your ability to be successful in just about anything.  You can have all the talent in the world and still be kept from the success that you want if you lack Self-Efficacy.  That means you must learn how to improve your self-efficacy so that you can experience optimal success.

self efficacy

Understanding the power that Self-efficacy has over your life is essential if you want to be the best that you can be.  

Your level of self-efficacy determines the outcome of your pursuit more powerfully than your level of intelligence, talent, and even your resources.

Understanding the importance of self-efficacy, learning how to increase your self-efficacy, and taking action accordingly will empower you in ways that you have always wanted to be empowered.

This post is all about teaching you how to increase your self-efficacy so that you can have an optimally successful life.

How to Strengthen Your Self-Efficacy


Self Efficacy Theory

Self-efficacy is the knowledge that a person holds relating to their ability to successfully carry out a task whether it is learning, taking actions, accomplishing, overcoming, enduring a challenging situation, and being effective in something.  It is about having the power to influence a state change, an outcome, or a successful finish because you know that you can.

Self-efficacy example

Studies have been done comparing groups.  Group 1 with experience and IQ but no self-efficacy versus Group 2 which has far less experience and far lower IQ but with a high level of self-efficacy.

Group 2 consistently succeeds at difficult tasks of learning and accomplishing while group 1 consistently fails.

What a lack of Self-Efficacy has been doing to you

  • It has led you to failures
  • It has held you back from reaching your potential
  • It has led you to an unfulfillment
  • It has led you to unhappiness
  • It has led you to disempowerment
  • It has led you to feel emptiness

When you lack self-efficacy, at the first sign of difficulty you will quit putting in the effort at the early sign of difficulty.  This ensures the failure of a task.  You are robbed of any chance at the pleasure of success.

Most importantly you will never get to go through the thrill of getting to the other side of your obstacles.  You will miss out on learning that you can overcome difficulties.  You will also miss out on experiencing the state of Flow, the optimal happiness, that you experience when you are stretching and getting better at things.

Lacking self-efficacy forces you to lose out on too many good aspects of life and all the while gaining a firmer and firmer belief that you are not capable of success.


What will having self-efficacy do for you

  • You get to experience the optimal state of happiness, Flow
  • You continue to grow in courage
  • You have access to your grit
  • You experience the thrill of overcoming difficulties and grow your self-esteem
  • You grow in mental strength
  • You will continue to have more successes

Having self-efficacy is everything because not quitting is everything.  The difference between someone successful and someone who fails is NOT QUITTING, PERIOD!!

Not quitting requires grit and having grit is easy when you have self-efficacy because having self-efficacy gives you the grit to keep going.

If you want grit, if you want to succeed, work on your level of self-efficacy.  Simple as that!

How to Improve Your Self-efficacy

  1. Take action on things that you want even if you think it is too hard for you, especially if you think it is too hard for you!
  2. When you fail, learn from it and try again and again until you succeed
  3. Commit yourself to never quitting on yourself no matter how hard things get (this is also an act of self-love)
  4. Fail at something every day (push your limit and stretch it every day, EVERY DAY!!)
  5. Practice doing things that make you feel uncomfortable regularly
  6. When you fail at something difficult, be proud of yourself because you practiced courage
  7. Fail at projects worthy of you until you succeed.

You will learn that you are capable when you see yourself being capable.  This is gaining self-efficacy.

You learned how to walk because you kept trying until you finally walked.  Everything that you want to accomplish, no matter how hard, must be done the same way.  Keep working on it until you succeed.  

Don’t EVER quit on yourself and gain your self-efficacy.  You have NO choice but to do it if you want to be truly happy by being your very best.  

I am here to help!

This post was all about the importance of Self-efficacy so that you can lead the powerfully successful life that you want.


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